Poems from Idle Moments



recipe for an online journal entry

your purpose here
is to entertain yourself
and hope your sharing act
is appreciated

you can start by typing anything:
what nonsense typing
diary day this morning is
you can talk about how you
wanted to kill yourself
or somebody else
or whine about
how things are done,
(read: typical teen angst
or cite rule number one:
"don't fall in love")

you may want to recount
one funny japanese moment
and forward to
rambling randomly with nothing
but laughs and swearwords that
you can never say in front of Momma
(read: typical teen high
or you can cite rule 2:
there are no rules
when you are a teen)

3. This step can be tricky...
be nostalgic about your
third grade endeavor
which now you'll say to be ridiculous
cause you needed seven years
to recuperate from the pain
maybe humor yourself in realization
(read: typical teen epiphany
add: you may want to be
philosophical about this and quote
lines from books you recently discovered
or you can cite rule 3 which says when
you're in trouble always
refer to rule number one)

4. some spice...
add a random thought:
make it really out-of-the-blue
or very cryptic that not even you
will remember why you thought
about it. make-up words
or showcase your html talent
or lack of it
(read: typical teen pride
or ignore this rule.
something like...
is it just the same face i'll see?
happy, perky, sad, surprise, afraid,
all the same tired faces for all these.
Saturdays are meant to be fun
and I love her still
add today's date for posterity's
sake which is automated in some sites
anyways then don't forget the smiley
if you are really happy that
your site is getting
good hits :-)
don't forget the closing
parenthesis when needed)

Forget about it.

yeah, forget about it.

Login back and read it all
when you're no longer a teenager
and whisper to yourself
"do not fall in love"

Eat your heart out.