My Beatles and a Lady: In My Life
"Dedicated to the Beatles,
René Magritte, and this certain Lady..."
There are kisses I remember
Though some have gone, some remain
Still, I am kept reminded
of their works.
All these places in my head
All kisses and all their shades, hues and sorts:
Rivers, Dorm Rooms, Schools, Deserts,
Tropics and Beaches, and their Dark Nudes,
Farms, and Church and City Squares,
Theatres and Orchards and Sunflower Fields ---
Oh! All my life they are loved!
How is it thus, that with all these
There is one kiss, I dare not compare:
The reddest of the red, the rose
that fills the red room, that seemingly
impossible painting, painted with a kiss?
I critique and say the worst of
every lip's strokes, speak of daubs
too fake, and whine over forged angst!
All too tasteless for me!
But how, with all these creations
is a fruit of labor: a kiss
but not a kiss,
a treatise of rainbows
too unreal to name.
In my life, I have loved only this kiss.
My memory lives with this explosion of redness
And from which, I remember all the other colors.
Please see these other related poems
from way back in June:
My Beatles and a Lady - And I love her
My Beatles and a Lady: Norwegian Wood
nicely written. melting.
Anonymous, at November 12, 2004 at 12:28 AM
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