Poems from Idle Moments


My Beatles and a Lady: Norwegian Wood

This is the first of a series of poems that I'm making which incorporates songs from The Beatles. I try to mix the song with my experience, and others, giving it some new meaning. They are not supposed to be a version of the song, but rather one inspired by the songs themselves...

Apologies to The Beatles for this frail attempt

I once had a girl, or should I say,
she once had me.

In every nightly sway
her electronic laughter, I play.
I pluck, intently I listen,
her notes and I, all night,
I try to have her music, her song -

Rewinding, Pausing, Imitating,
She in quarter note marching,
notes how vibrant, bouncing in every ledge,
it all rings even in my sleep.

I want all her tones singing from underneath me!

Emanating from my hand,
my fingers criss-crossing
this lennon fretboard of love.
And I will fall fast asleep
not able to have her,
not being able to decipher
her chords.

I so want to have her
But Oh! I couldn't see her,
Oh! I couldn't have her.
Oh! I could not sing her song
Much less play her tones.

I am all hers, and she
is mine only in stereo.

One guitar day, in my guitar dream:
There she was and I was singing:

She showed me her room,
isn’t it good,
norwegian wood?

And when I awoke I was alone,
this bird had flown.


  • thanks bayi... I grew up listening to these guys... hehehe i personally think the other poem my beatles and a lady - in my life is the best in this series I made. apologies to the purists...

    By Blogger Jdavies, at November 6, 2004 at 2:50 AM  

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